The attendance at the Benson Hall for the dance on St Patrick's night exceeded the most sanguine expectations. The organisers anticipated a hundred, but the number present was over a hundred and fifty.
Among the dangers were some who had never been in the Hall before, and they were pleasantly surprised at the excellence of the floor, which is undoubtedly the best for miles around.
The music was provided by the Standon Orchestra, who co-operated with the M.C., Mr Blakiston, in providing continuous dancing.
Among the special features were two "spot" dances, the first of which was won by Mr and Mrs Jackson, of Westmill, and the second by Mr Don Little and Miss Jordan.
Also a "Pandemonium" Dance, for which horns were issued, and the result fully justified the title!
The prize for the "lucky ticket" was won by Mr C. Smith.
The net proceeds were over £9, and the organisers are to be congratulated on the splendid success of their efforts. Hearty thanks are also due to all who provided the refreshments and prizes, and sold the former so efficiently, in addition to those who undertook the sale of tickets and prepared the Hall for the occasion. Each article of the refreshments was offered at one penny, and over 320 items were sold.
As the crowd streamed out of the Hall shortly after midnight, there were many requests for "another of the same kind" - the best proof of an enjoyable evening.