Death of the Oldest Inhabitant
"The new order changest, giving place to new." Last Saturday seveal of the pretty little girls of Aspenden accompanied their mothers and grandmothers, carrying little bunches of flowers to place on the grave of the oldest inhabitant of the village, who was being laid to rest in one of the most beautiful parts of the Churchyard.
Mrs John Plumb, affectionately known as "Old Lucy," had reached the age of 86, and sincere sympathy is felt for her husband, who well known and much respected, who is now left alone after over 60 years of married life.
He was surrounded on Saturday by relatives of his late wife, and by children and grandchildren as well as by neighbours and friends, and all will long remember the sunny afternoon, the fragrance of the beautiful floral offerings, and the feelings of sympathy and friendship and the knowledge of the loving care of those who had ministered to the last days of the beloved one who had passed away.
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