4th February 1927 - Westmill Women's Institute

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Women's Institute

On Wednesday, January 26th, the Women's Institute held their monthly gathering as usual in the Village Hall. Mrs Guiness was in the chair, as President for the first time.

The subject of interest was a concert given by Miss Bonus, of Hadham, and her two helpers. It was a most enjoyable entertainment.

The door at the side of the stage opened, and three most graceful ladies stepped in, and from that moment until they left, an hour later, the audience was delighted and charmed.

The concert began with a duet for violins, then following some Elizabethan songs, recitations, acting of old folk songs &c. The performers were often singing and acting at the same time, as for instance in the folk songs, "Mowing the Barley" and "I'm seventeen come Sunday."

The audience was never kept waiting, and one wondered how the transformations could come about so quickly. Limping off the stage as an old woman, the same lady would come back the next moment as a young girl to take her part in a rowing song.

The only thing to be regretted was that owing to illness so few of the members of the Institute were present.

The performers had to leave early to catch a train, so after having thanked them and applauded them loudly, the members of the Institute spent the rest of the evening in very jolly games, until it was time to sing God Save the King and say goodbye.


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