9th March 1928 - Legal & Official Notice

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Legal & Official Notice

To Mrs Douglas Angus, formerly of Aspenden, Buntingford, in the County of Hertford, and then of The New Century Club, Hay Hill, London.

Take notice that an Action has been commenced against you in the County Court of Hertfordshire, holden at ROYSTON, No. H 21, by WILLIAM HERBERT SMITH, of Buntingford, in the County of Hertford, in which the Plaintiff's claim is for warehouse charges in respect of furniture, etc., stored by the Plaintiff for you from 1920, to the 8th February, 1928, amounting to £63 18s. 0d.

AND IT HAS BEEN ORDERED that service of the Summons in the said Action on you be effected by this advertisement.

If you desire to defend the said Action you must attend on the day fixed for the hearing, namely the 28th day of April, 1928, at the Court House, ROYSTON, at 10.30a.m. In default of such appearance judgement may be entered against you.

WM. Onslow Times, Registrar.

Dated the 7th day of March, 1928.

2nd March 1928 - Wyddiall Lantern Lecture

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Lantern Lecture

Mr J.W. Harvey, of Puckeridge, visited the parish of Wyddiall on Tuesday in last week, and gave an interesting lantern lecture on the subject of "True as Steel."

The connective story was read by the Rev. John Cole, of Buntingford, and there was a good number present, who were very interested in Mr Harvey's pictures.

Two favourite hymns were sung, and at the conclusion the Rector (Rev. Mc. C. Kerr) thanked the lecturer. A collection was taken on behalf of the Colportage Association.

2nd March 1928 - Death and Funeral of an Old Resident

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Death and Funeral of an Old Resident

The death of Mrs E. Plumb, wife of Mr William Plumb, occurred at the Hertford County Hospital on Saturday in last week.

Mrs Plumb was born in the village close on seventy years ago, where she was greatly respected by the inhabitants. The mortal remains were brought to Aspenden the following Wednesday, and rested in the deceased's home throughout the night before burial on Thursday afternoon.

The Rev. A.G. King, Rector of Westmill, conducted the service, and the family mourners included: Mr W. Plumb (husband), Mrs Savage (daughter), Messrs. William and Fred Plumb (sons), Mrs Tolts (sister), Mrs Gooch (sister-in-law), Mr Arthur Plumb and Miss Annie Plumb (brother-in-law and sister-in-law), Mrs W. Plumb (daughter-in-law), Mr John Plumb (brother-in-law), Mrs Bunn, Mrs Morly, Mrs Waters and Miss L. Plumb (nieces), and Mrs Miller (grand-daughter).

There was also a large number present at the Church to pay their last respects to the memory of the deceased, and there was a collection of beautiful floral tokens, and included wreaths from Mrs Steel, Mrs A. Wilson, Mrs H. Poulton, Mrs Fletcher, Captain and Mrs Williams; a small posy was also sent by Master Leslie Moule, who showed many little kindnesses to the deceased in her old age.

The Rev. King, preaching at the Parish Church on Sunday morning, referred to the deceassd's [sic] life and her simple faith. Much symyathy [sic] is extended to the family in their bereavement.

2nd March 1928 - Death of Mr Charles Pinner

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Death of Mr Charles Pinner

The death of Mr Charles Pinner, at the age of 64 years, occurred at Lye End Farm on Wednesday last.

Mr Pinner had been ill for some time, and received treatment at the Royston Hospital at the beginning of this year. Although he received every attention at the Hospital and also from Mr and Mrs Wornham, with whom he had resided for many years, his health gradually failed until his death on Wednesday.

He was well known throughout the district and was always of a quiet nature.

The funeral will take place at Wyddiall Church tomorrow (Saturday) afternoon.

2nd March 1928 - Correspondence

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The League of Nations Union and The Conservative Government


The League of Nations Union, in spite of its good intentions, is in danger of becoming an ebarassment to the Conservative Party and an obstacle to permanent peace.

Living on the coast and having been employed during part of the war as chaplain to the coast defences, I am perhaps better able to realise the necessity of a strong Navy than those who live inland.

England depends for her food supplies on foreign trade. If every acre of land in Britain was cultivated to its full extent we would not grow enough wheat to keep us alive for six months.

Within about 20 miles from where I am writing - that is not much more than the distance from Ware to Royston, and certainly much less than the distance from Ware to Cambridge - lie at the bottom of the sea scores of British ships which were sun during the war while bringing supplies to England. In 1917, though the public did not know it, we were very nearly compelled to make peace at whatever terms we could get for fear of starvation. The only people who really know how many ships and what kind of ships are necessary to protect our food supplies are our admirals and naval officers.

I lived much with naval officers before the war (my next door neighbour was killed at the Battle of Jutland), and I can testify to their anxiety for the safety of the country. Being employed, too, on the Solent on the edge of the submarine "Warfare," I was able to realise what an enterprising enemy can do, though I must add that the Admiralty and our own seamen went one better. Several of our ships were sunk within 10 miles of this house, so close did the enemy come, and so skilful [sic] were they in laying mines.

The League of Nations Union facies that it knows more about the sea than the sailors. That is absurd. When the League of Nations Union attacks the Conservative Government it is, of course, weaking the Conservative Party. It is doing more than this, and worse, for by trying to prevent adequate protection being given to our food supplies, it is endangering the safety of the country.

The Americans grow their own food and apparently cannot understand the requirements of a nation which fetches its food from overseas. The Americans wish to have a strong fighting Navy. Well and good. We require a force of small ships (how many our admirals can only tell us) to protect the vessels that bring us our supplies. In addition we require a fighting force as strong as the strongest fighting fleet, otherwise that fleet is our master and can sweep our ships off the sea whenever it chooses and leave us to starve.

Your obedient servant,

C. Poyntz Sanderson

Emsworth, Hants.

Feb. 28th, 1928.

2nd March 1928 - Family thanks

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The Family of the late Mr A.R. Franklin wish to return thanks for the expressions of sympathy received by them in their sad bereavement.

High Street, Buntingford.

2nd March 1928 - Funeral of Arthur Robert Franklin

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The funeral of Mr Arthur Robert Franklin, an account of whose death was recorded in this paper last week, took place at Layston Church on Saturday afternoon last.

The immediate mourners comprised members of the family and a few friends, and the Rev. A. Howard was the officiating clergyman.

Several beautiful wreaths were placed on the grave.

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